But Bill Ford has the deciding vote, and his choice, as well as that of many in the company, according to those in a position to know, is Mark Fields. 不过,比尔·福特拥有决定性的一票。据公司内部拥有知情权的人士透露,他的选择与公司里许多人的选择一致,都倾向于起用马克·菲尔兹。
The deciding vote cast by the presiding officer to resolve a tie. 指赞成票和反对票相等时会议主席所投的起决定作用的票。
The union is today deciding which way to cast its huge vote in brighton. 工会今天将决定在布赖顿把它握有的大量选票投给哪一边。
So I cast the deciding vote and award the prize to water. 所以我投出关键性一票,将大奖颁发给瓶装水。
Eg: The chairperson always has the deciding vote. 主席总是拥有最有决定权的一票。
The crucial experiment; cast the deciding vote; the determinative ( or determinant) battle. 至关紧要的实验;投了决定性的一票;决定性的战役。
At the beginning of last week, UKFI was still deciding which way to vote. 上周初,英国金融投资署仍未决定会如何投票。
The chairperson has the deciding vote. 这主席有具决定性的一票。
The chairperson always has the deciding vote. 主席总是有决定性的一票。
The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie. 主席应当负责主持所有的董事会会议,并且应当在票数相同的情况下,投出具有决定性质的一票。
Justice Benjamin refused to remove himself from Massey's appeal and cast the deciding vote. 本杰明法官拒绝从梅西上诉案中回避,并投了决定票。
But few people are policy experts, so they often follow their hearts rather than their heads when deciding whom to vote for. 但政策老手毕竟是少数,于是美国人选总统,往往是用感情选而不是用脑子选。